The scholarship program was initiated by Tri-Lakes Dynamic Rotary Club in 2024 when the Club decided to offer a scholarship to three deserving D38 high school graduating seniors; (Palmer Ridge High School, Lewis-Palmer High School, Monument Academy, & Homeschoolers). These students must be attending a postsecondary institution - trade school, community college, university, or another education pursuit.
The deadline for 2024 applications is April 15, 2024.
The application forms (see link below) and process are designed for the award committee to learn how the applicant has and will promote the ideals and Object of Rotary with the education being sought. It is our Club's goal to support students in our local community to continue their education in any way that supports their future goals.
One letter of reference from a non-family member, along with a letter of introduction (500 words maximum) to identify yourself and the completed application are required for consideration.
The Scholarship Application is available HERE. If you'd prefer to download the form, please click HERE. The deadline for 2024 applications is April 15, 2024.
Selected applicants will be notified by May 15th by email and phone.
Object of Rotary:
Rotary is an international organization of local community service clubs. The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. Rotarians around the world serve their community by using their work related talents to help others – both in the local community and internationally. Tri-Lakes Dynamic Rotary Club, for example, has raised and continues to raise money for RAD (Real Alternatives to Drugs), The Remount Foundation, Porch Light Friends, and our biggest project being our Warm Hugs project, raising money and collecting over 400 new coats for clients of Tri-Lakes Cares. We are a hands-on service club providing support to seniors at Jackson Creek and Bethesda Gardens, free math tutoring each week for students in D38, volunteering at Ronald McDonald House, and cleaning up our community twice per year, addition to our Seedling Project, wherein we education elementary school students on the benefits of trees and send each student home with a seedling to plant. Additionally, our Club supports communities around the world by providing desks to a classroom in Peru and most recently providing support for a new bus for students in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
It is our hope that our scholarship recipients will consider becoming engaged in Rotaract. Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service
Rotarians are committed to high ethical standards. Their commitment is reflected in the Rotary’s Four Way Test. Rotarians promote the Object of Rotary by applying the Four Way Test to what we think, say and do:
Is it the Truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
All applications need to be submitted to Tri-Lakes Dynamic Rotary Club (see addresses below). Applications will be screened by a team from TLDRC and selected by the Rotary Scholarship Committee on a point system.
1. Attach one letter of reference from a non-family member.
2. Answer the questions appearing on the application form. You can also download a form HERE.
3. Submit completed application to Tri-Lakes Dynamic Rotary Club. On-line through the link above, or email to: trilakesdyamicrotary@gmail.com, or mail to Tri-Lakes Dynamic Rotary Club Scholarship Committee, 545 3rd Street #13, Monument, CO 80132 to arrive by April 15, 2024.